NOA, sometimes spelled Noah (ノア), is a major organization from the Psychic Force series.
NOA is an organization founded in 2009 by Keith Evans, with the purported objective of creating an utopic society for all Psychiccers. The group is initially formed by various psychiccers saved from secret government laboratories where they were subjected to inhuman scientific experiments as well as others who were drawn by Keith's telepathy. However, due to Richard Wong's machinations, NOA declares war against humanity, becoming more destructive and shifting their focus to world domination. This would cause a rift between the psychiccers, ending in a battle among themselves which culminates in the destruction of NOA's headquarters and the deaths of various psychiccers.
After NOA's destruction Wong would eventually form his own group of psychiccers known as the Psychic Army, rounding up captured NOA members as well as other psychiccers. In order to bring in his original vision and oppose the Psychic Army's plans, Keith reforms the group into Neo-NOA.