PsychicForce Wiki

Emilio Michaelov (エミリオ・ミハイロフ) is a character introduced in Psychic Force.


From as far as he can remember, Emilio was always ostracized due to his psychic abilities. Though he had no friends, his parents still loved him dearly, and that was enough for him. One day, however, his parents suddenly attacked him, so he accidentally unleashed his powers. When he regained his conscience and came to his senses, the entire town around him had been devastated. Shortly after he was captured by the government and subjected to various inhuman experiments, until he was saved by Keith, who took him to join NOA. However, he did not get accustomed to NOA's forcible methods and begins to open his heart when he meets Wendy during his time of solitude. He isn't actively fighting after NOA's escape, but his abilities begin to run wild as he gets involved in the battles of NOA and Anti-NOA.

After their assault on NOA's headquarters, Emilio ends kidnapped and brainwashed by Richard Wong, who turns him into a ruthless, bloodthirsty servant of the Psychic Army, though this also has the side effect of making him extremely mentally unstable.

As a result of his upbringing, Emilio is extremely shy and introvert and has low self-esteem.

Fighting Style[]

Emilio is another lightweight character, trading offense for speed. His gameplay revolves around setting up reflectors around the arena, which can both deflect enemy projectiles as well as bouncing off his own light arrows. He can also use his powers to temporarily seal off the opponent.

See also: Emilio Michaelov/Move List
